Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Do you ever have a day or even a moment when you realize you have your priorities all out of order, the little and so unimportant things that seem to be such a big deal at the moment are making you a little crazy, or in my case the past few days a lot crazy!  Well as usual God gave me the exact wake up call I needed to get me back on track, I have often in my life called these gifts from God the slap upside the head I needed, and it is always perfectly what gets me back on track.  The details are not really necessary to repeat,  just the idea that it happened gave me good reason to share.  I have so much abundance in my life, from health, love, daily needs, and the opportunity to do what I love with my time and energy, how could I ever take all that for granted?  Oh yeah, the human thing, the just a little to affected by the "world " thing, the energy flying around out there right now is enough to throw anyone off track.   I cherish my lessons, each one hopefully drawing me closer to my life's intended purpose.  This past calender year has been the lesson and acceptance of  the impermanence of this physical world, today I needed to witness this again and how strongly it shapes peoples lives and steers them in amazing directions. Be grateful every moment for your life, and ask yourself often "If this were my last moments would I be happy with how I have chose to spend them," not just physically but also in your mind, I have learned that my thoughts create my life situation. May all of you have the best lessons ever and especially the clarity to recognize them!

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little red house


James Enjoying The Lake!


Me Happy to Be!


Nature, The Ocean, Colors, My Family, James, My Friends, My Pets,God, Music & Poetry, Creative People, Chocolate, Country Living Magazine, Antsy McClain, Dr, Wayne Dyer, Body & Soul Magazine,Gardening, Old Things, My Dreams, Rachel Ray, Morning, The Seasons, Seeds and the list will continue...Let me know what inspires you?