Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Organic Gardening... live and let live

We try to garden organically as much as possible, for our own well being and for the other visitors to our garden. We have many "good" bugs and other critters in our garden that we enjoy watching. Birds, butterflies, frogs, small wild life and a variety of bugs and spiders can be seen among the plants and flowers in our garden.
If you click on my pictures they get pretty big and you can really see the great detail
I am not sure what this guy is but he enjoyed having his pictures taken. It was like he was looking at the camera and wondering what it was... could it be that bugs are actually more intelligent then we think?
We know these guys are very intelligent when it comes to getting into the food... the can of peanuts had a lid at one time! We actually learned and stopped feeding the squirrels, we were starting to get too many and one chewed a hole in our back screen door trying to get in the house for food. We still have plenty of them around to entertain us and annoy the dog.
Hummingbirds frequently visit the garden, we do not have out feeders but we do have plenty of their favorites blooming all year long. I have always loved this picture, so often these little guys are buzzing around so fast I enjoyed seeing him just content and still.
This little caterpillar friend was actually spotted in our other garden at our house on the Oregon coast. We haven't had the home for long so we are still discovering all the critters and bugs that visit there. The plants and climate are different so we suspect to have a whole new experience in that garden. The one thing for sure is there are Big Banana Slugs there and we haven't got those in our California garden!

These are two of my favorite pictures of beauty passing through the garden. We get large butterflies passing through every day and the bees seem to be happy with the feast we provide. We believe all this life makes for a healthy happy garden.

Mantis are one of our favorite visitors, we get many babies every year. We know when they start hatching because we have to check our clothes before coming in the house, they seem to like to catch a ride when they are little. We are able to watch them grow throughout the season and often by fall we see the females leaving their eggs for next year. They really are beautiful and seem to have funny little personalities. If you take the time to see the beauty and character of these things it is amazing, and it opens your eyes to what an amazing world we live in. Happy Gardening ~ Jacque

I am linking up with this beautiful place "Fishtail Cottage" for Flora Thursday's, it has been a fun way to meet new bloggers and see some great post!


creekside rummager said...

That was really a beautiful post Jacque. Not just the photos but your outlook. On the 4th of July we had a newly attched praying mantis (we thought). It was about 4" long and bright. We forgot to get a photo. We'd never seen anything like it before.

Becca's Dirt said...

Glad you came by to visit me. Love your blog. It's neat to see all the critters that love to live in our gardens. The squirrels are very active in my yard. I have 8 pecan trees and they are always digging and hiding pecans and yes - in my gardens. The pecans actually form a root in my gardens so I have to keep them pulled out. I love to watch them though.

nanniepannie said...

I so enjoyed exploring your garden. I think of anything I rather be doing than gardening...if the weather is being kind. Love your art.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for live and let live. I wish more people would do that instead of just spraying willy nilly and killing everything in the yard. Luv your post!

Linda said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love to meet new bloggers too and it seems we certainly have lots in common. Have a great day.

Fishtail Cottage said...

Very fun to see all the critters amongst your garden! So glad you linked this post to Fishtail Cottage's garden party so all of us can see! xoxo, tracie

My Little Home and Garden said...

You certainly get an interest array of creatures in your garden. Lovely photos.

GardenOfDaisies said...

What a beautiful garden you have! Thank you for allowing all the creatures to coexist with you. That is my way to garden too. Did you by any chance read "Rabbit Hill" when you were a kid?


little red house


James Enjoying The Lake!


Me Happy to Be!


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