Tuesday, September 20, 2011


We love the sea, and the shore... most people that know us well know that we spend as much time a possible at the beach. On a recent trip to accumulate small drift wood sticks to create our popular drift wood trees...
Our trees will be available next month, (if interested visit our Old Soul Studios blog for information on all the places we sell our creations.) We walk many miles on many different beaches all up and down the Oregon and Northern California coast and we always get the joy of seeing beautiful things while on those beaches.
Seals and Sea Lions are often curious about what we are doing and pay us a visit, of course they are always picture worthy. This little guy followed us down the shore line popping his head up now and then to check in.
The sea speaks to me and recharges my soul... I love walking the beach and having my creativity sparked. New ideas often surface when we are on the beach.
James captured this picture of two California Pelicans as they flew over our heads. They look like they are holding hands... Just beautiful! Thanks for dropping by, I would love to hear about the places that inspire you and feed your souls, and maybe our paths will cross on a beach someday ~ Jacque


Kay Ellen said...

I love all the drift wood...awesome!
I feel the same way we are about 40 minutes for the coast and I go as often as I can :))

Happy Wednesday!

Kay Ellen

Completely Coastal said...

I love the sea! And lucky you to live where there's an abundance of driftwood!


little red house


James Enjoying The Lake!


Me Happy to Be!


Nature, The Ocean, Colors, My Family, James, My Friends, My Pets,God, Music & Poetry, Creative People, Chocolate, Country Living Magazine, Antsy McClain, Dr, Wayne Dyer, Body & Soul Magazine,Gardening, Old Things, My Dreams, Rachel Ray, Morning, The Seasons, Seeds and the list will continue...Let me know what inspires you?